Here are some images of the incredible beauty you can enjoy at Jungle Island.
Now - onto Penguins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here they are all lined up for us
And it's officially penguin time!!!!!!
They were willing to pose oh so nicely
Don't mind Jack's face. He's slowly melting due to the heat :)
This is what happens when you bring out the bucket of fish
Yes please, I will have a fishy
This is a baby flamingo - the only one to survive this year. She's only 3 months old.
Back to penguins
Any more fishies guys?
This is Rafiki. He spent the ENTIRE time trying to smuggle himself home with me. He was my shadow - wherever I went, he followed. I was the only one who did not feed them fishies - so it definitely wasn't a food thing. The animal handlers were cracking up - they said that penguins definitely can choose favorites. Apparently I was Rafiki's favorite. I nearly stepped on him a dozen times because he was THISCLOSE to me!
Posing on the rocks
Matt petting a penguin
Matt, Jack and a penguin
Libby finally meets a penguin!
We nicknamed this one Grandma Penguin - she's in her 30's. About 10 years older than the oldest penguin in the wild. She has arthritis and can't walk well, so she stays in the water most of the time.
More penguins
Apparently penguins are very cat like. They LOVE to play string!
The flamingos at Jungle Island - just like the old Parrot Jungle.