Saturday, August 29, 2009

241/365 Surprise Baby Sprinkle!

Today I drove to Jacksonville to celebrate with my girlfriends. Mindy is expecting another son and we surprised her with a "sprinkle" to welcome him.

Welcome Baby F

Here's the guest of honor



She had SOOOOOOOOO many helpers when it came to opening her gifts.

H and Mindy



L is going to be a big brother very soon! As long as he gets control of the truck, all will be fine.


Mindy got in some practice on our youngest baby

M & I

N and A were sitting pretty for all to adore

Nicole and A

All the kids were ADORABLE!





A & C


Friday, August 28, 2009

240/365 Club sign up day!

Today was the sign up day for clubs at the Upper School. Tons of students gathered together at the courtyard to choose what interests they want to develop this year.

Matt was promoting Juggling club

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Choices choices

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Upper School Club Day

Thursday, August 27, 2009

239/365 Colors and Matt

Tonight was a Colors kind of night.





A quick shot of Matt


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

238/365 The Wonder Cat

The Wonder Cat is a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I've always known that, but this photo of him won first place in a weekly photo contest I take part of. It's judged by the other photographers who enter, so I'm really thrilled to have won their admiration!

Owen having a drink

More photos from that night



Owen having a drink

Owen having a drink

Owen having a drink

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

237/365 Musopoly!

Our friend Audrey needed to test out game he's considering using in his classroom. Most of it was over the heads of the group - but game night is always a good night!





Monday, August 24, 2009

236/365 First day of school

School has begun at Montverde Academy! The Lower School and Middle School started today and everyone is excited.

Here are the lower school students looking forward to another awesome year:

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

Wonderful 5th grade safety patrols helped younger students inside.

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

First day of school - Lower school

Next it was time for the first day of school assembly

First day of school - Assembly

First day of school - Assembly

First day of school - Assembly

The Pledge

First day of school - Assembly

Off to the Middle School

Middle School

Middle School

Middle School

Middle School

The Tower