Saturday, April 10, 2010

100/365 Gardening and bread

My square foot garden us up and filled. Already planted some tomatoes - can't wait for them to grow!

Square foot garden

Seedlings are going great too!



Parsley and herbs are doing well

Parsley is overflowing

How about this calabaza? Anyone want one???????????


I made homemade bread tonight. You can find the recipe here.

Homemade bread

Homemade bread

We put the finishing touches on the night stand today with a minor mistake. Upon moving it into the bedroom - it was dinged against a drawer. Unfortunately, that area needs to be redone, so final picture will be up tomorrow.

Finishing touches

Finishing touches

Friday, April 9, 2010

99/365 Furniture and gardens

What do they have to do with each other? Well on this 99th day of the year - plenty! Today was a day for projects. Matt built me a square foot garden and I refinished a night stand.

Here is Matt and the garden frame

Building a square foot garden

Building a square foot garden

My refinishing project.

The before

Furniture Refinishing

Furniture Refinishing

During - with a coat of primer

Furniture Refinishing

Furniture Refinishing

Final coat - glossy white

Furniture Refinishing

I love this view with our flowering weeds in the background. They are so simple and pretty and they made me happy!

Furniture Refinishing

Furniture Refinishing

Furniture Refinishing

The garden was built - but we'll fill it tomorrow.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I took some photos while Matt drove us to a friends house tonight. Just held on tightly and clicked out the window - not really focusing on anything.

On the road

On the road

On the road

On the road

On the road

Sweet puppy!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

97/365 Flowers

I'm getting ready for my garden and just loved these marigolds. Not only do they attract lady bugs (which eat aphids), but they also are a natural mosquito deterrent. Plus - they are so happy looking!



These are the lovely tulips my mom gave me for Easter. They are fading quickly, but I'm enjoying every moment with them.




Tuesday, April 6, 2010

96/365 Hanging out with Charles and Aubrey

During spring break, we got the chance to spend time with Charles and Aubrey.

They recently redecorated one of the areas in their house and transformed it into a zen, meditation room. Love the colorful piles of pillows.

Mountain of pillows

It is American Idol night, and while we've never really watched it - Charles and Aubrey love it. They have been doing theme nights lately. Since the American Idols were singing songs of the Beatles, the theme for this week was bugs. Charles wore his big shirt and decorated with some of his buggy superhero action figures.

Bug night at Charles and Aubrey's

Getting ready for the show to start


Hanging at Charles and Aubrey's house

Charles is taking notes of each performance to blog later... you can read it here.

Charles and Aubrey

Charles and Aubrey

Charles and Aubrey

I was able to sneak in a pedicure during spring break - yay!

New pedicure

Monday, April 5, 2010

95/365 STS 131 - Discovery takes off

Shuttle Discovery took off very early this morning and I was standing in my front yard half asleep to witness it.

STS 131 - Discovery takes off

STS 131 - Discovery takes off

Right about here is when the sonic boom reached me - 75 miles away

STS 131 - Discovery takes off

STS 131 - Discovery takes off

Book run

Library run

Sunday, April 4, 2010

94/365 Easter 2010

It's Easter and we celebrated by going to a church who held one large service outside. We brought our own chairs, settled on the lawn with a bunch of people and had a great time.

Easter service outside

Easter service outside

Easter service outside

They had some guys take an aerial shot - but they balanced them with no restraints on the tines of a forklift and then drove it around! Very dangerous.

Easter service outside

A house divided
A house divided

I guess it's just not church unless there is an air gun?

Easter service with air gun

Easter service with air gun

After the service - everyone got to admire the cupcakes people brought for a cute cupcake competition.

Love the little chocolate bunnies
Easter cupcakes

The basket weave is so pretty on these
Easter cupcakes

Peep cakes
Easter cupcakes

Giant cupcake with cookies
Easter cupcakes

Bunny peeps
Easter cupcakes

Hatching peeps
Easter cupcakes

They also had some sidewalk chalk and a chance for the little ones to create some art
Easter chalk drawing

Our Easter portrait
Easter portrait

Family Easter portrait
Easter Family picture